Oct 31, 2012

Quit Gaming, oh please..

Ready or not this is the third post of my gaming blog. What a lame shit, I know, but I'm trying my ass hard off right here, to write useful stories and good stuff of sharing to you, long live gamer. Enough lamentation, lets get to it!

Yup what does it feels like when you've told to quit your game. I think everyone, especially you all, kids, apparently ever been told to stop playing games. Turn off your computer right now! Aw maan, that sucks.

To me, gaming, playing game is a stress revival ritual. We do pledge sum of our time into gaming console. Beating other player as we desired then we will get the fun. When someone has smokin' up yer ass, you would coming back and beat them, right? But it may takes more time..

Mom, one more laps please?

Oct 12, 2012

Daily Games

Yo folks, have your game yet?

I wanted to share a little about the game that you play everyday. As we experience today, the variant games have sprung up, and you can plug and play on your computer. both offline and online games.

Facebook game that many have played, browser game that offers an exciting graphics and mechanisms. MMORPG games are also able to make us feel at home sitting for hours to play.

Now we like are permitted to play games and have fun. this is supported by the many new and emerging gaming center in every corners of the city.

Oct 11, 2012

Behold, Gaming Blog of Mine!

Hi there!

This is the first post of my new blog that later will discuss any preference, issue, and update about gaming. Its really fun that finally I had my own gaming blog. I can write any game I found or I like, will gives outstanding review about them. Gaming world is bigger and still growing.

Everyone is playing game, no matter what age or sex they are. Game are the most used way to get rid of stresses, spending time off or not even few are killing time with game. Yeah, gaming right now are the most discussed everywhere and the their influence to people's life are pretty fabulous. Don't be scared when a guy could spent his 8 hour daylight to playing games. They must be PRO gamer, LOL

Stick around there will be more post update about gaming and stuff, real soon.

See ya around!